During a two-day workshop at the Talleres Comunitarios de Zegache, Performing Pictures introduced pinhole camera photography as well as dark room work.
Together with Georgina Saldaña Wonchee (director of the Talleres Comunitarios de Zegache) the artisans developed a small shrine (nicho) for laid-off IPhones/IPods. The aim with this artifact is to give your personal consumer electronics longer life. People tend to quickly throw away their iphones or ipods after a while, in favour of upgrading to a newer model.
We now created a place where the phone/pod can rest in peace forever in the little graveyard shrine. For those who still use their Iphones/Ipods the shrine can be used as a charger ;). Performing Pictures made a small Iphone app out of the spinning Cherub, which will be included when buying a shrine/nicho from the Talleres.
The work was further developed in March 2013 when 6 more pinhole camera animations of baroque sculptures were made. The animation suite is called "Los siete mogotes" and it is part of Performing Pictures' solo exhibition "Amor es un lugar" at the Espacio Zegache in Oaxaca.